1. Am I eligible for loan benefits under this plan? No, this insurance plan provides no loan advantages under it. 2. What is the service taxes levied under the plan? All taxes and service taxes levied under this plan are as per the tax law amendments by the regulatory body or the current ruling authority. 3. What are the conditions for renewal of the plan? The insured can apply for renewal of his plan within 2 years from the due date of the first unpaid premium. In order to renew your term insurance, you shall be required to: Pay all the premiums due Agreeable proof of the life to be insured, and Payment in full amount equal to all the policy premiums due but unpaid till the effective date of renewal. 4. What is the benefit amount under Group I of Women Care Rider? Under the women care rider group I, a female insured is benefitted if she is diagnosed with any female organ malignant cancer. The benefit amount paid is 5% of the base sum assured which is subject to a minimum of Rs 1, 00, 000 and a maximum of Rs 10, 00, 000. Under the women care rider group II, a female is benefitted is she gives birth to a child with congenital disorders or surgeries, or, has some pregnancy complications. 5. Under what conditions shall are my premiums eligible to be waived off? All the future premiums of the insured are eligible to be waived off if he suffers from any permanent disability. The insured shall be considered as permanently disabled due to one or more impairments as stated below: Loss of Speech Loss of hearing ability in both ears Loss of or loss of use of any one limb Loss of eyesight of both eyes Loss of or loss of use of both limbs 6. How is the policy settled on cancellation during the free look up period? On cancellation of the policy during the free look up period, all the premiums paid under the plan are returned to the insured after making the required deductions of policy administrations charges, stamp duty, medical expenses, if any, etc. Max Bupa Heath Companion Family Floater Insurance Plan