The policyholder has to fill up an online `Application form with photo identity proof (Passport, PAN Card or Driving License) and income proof in the form of a copy of the latest ITR or Form 16 or copies of the last three months salary slips. IDBI Child Insurance Savings Protection Plan
In the unfortunate event of the demise of the policyholder, the nominee receives a Death Benefit. There are two options for Death Benefit: Option A – The nominee receives the Sum Assured as the Death Benefit. Option B – The nominee receives the Sum Assured plus the Accidental Death Benefit (if applicable). Tax benefits are available on the premium paid and Death Benefit as per sections 80(C) and 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act. urllinkcontent: HDFC SL ProGrowth Flexi Health insurance – compare Quotes policy – insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Protect your motorcycle and moped with a two wheeler insurance policy nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: To leverage the wealth of future through best life insurance Investment Plans nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life insurance – Compare DHFL Pramerica U Term Insurance Plans – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Travel Insurance – Compare Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage Travel Insurance quotes policy – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: HDFC SL ProGrowth Flexi Health insurance – compare Quotes policy – insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life Insurance – Compare DHFL Pramerica Term Insurance Plans – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman health insurance – compare Quotes policy – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: DHFL Pramerica Family Income health insurance – compare Quotes policy – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: DHFL Pramerica Family First health insurance – compare Quotes policy – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life insurance – Compare Kotak Preferred e Term Insurance Plans – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Get an online taxi insurance policy to conveniently protect your asset nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Mediclaim health insurance policy: An alternative to health insurance nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life Insurance – Compare Star Union Dai Insurance Plans – insureMile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Buy online general insurance travelling insurance plan to travel safe nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Health Insurance – Compare Star Health Star Criticare Plus Critical illness policy – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life insurance – Compare Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider Term Insurance Plans – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life insurance – Compare Met Easy Super Term Insurance Plans – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Life Insurance – Compare AEGON Life Term Insurance Plan – Insuremile nextrowlinkcontent urllinkcontent: Quintessential lifestyle after retirement with the retirement plans nextrowlinkcontent
Details About Premium Policy Details Grace Period: There is a limited timeframe of 30 days from the due date of the unpaid premium to pay all dues. This timeframe is reduced to fifteen days in case of monthly mode. Policy Termination or Surrender Benefit: There are no Surrender Benefits under this policy. If the policy is not reinstated within the revival period, the policy is terminated. Termination of the policy also occurs on payment of the Death Benefit. Free Look Period: Policyholders have a limited free look period of thirty days from the date of receiving policy documents to review the policy. If the policyholder does not wish to continue with the policy, then he or she can cancel the policy. The customer will then receive a refund of the premium paid minus a proportionate premium for the risk borne by the company, including as any extra expenses, such as towards a medical examination or stamp duty charges. Inclusions If the policyholder does not pay all due premiums within the Grace Period, the policy will lapse. Additional Features or Riders The revival of a lapsed policy is possible if the policyholder submits a request for reinstatement within a timeframe of two years from the date of the first unpaid premium. The Accidental Death Benefit is an amount equal to the Sum Assured and is paid on the death of the Life Insured within 180 days of the accident. Exclusions The term insurance cover is void if the person insured, whether sane or insane at the time, commits suicide within one year from the start of the policy cover or reinstatement. The company will refund the premium paid for that year, to the nominee. The Accidental Death Benefit is not paid if the death is caused directly or indirectly by the following: Life Insured flying in an aircraft other than as a bonafide passenger on an aircraft of a licensed airline, the Life Insured partaking in hazardous sport or pastime, The Life Insured performing military (or similar) services, The Life Insured taking part in a strike, riot, criminal activity, self-inflicted injury or suicide. If the death is caused by war, civil commotion, nuclear radiation or contamination.
Esmart Term Plans is an online pure Life Insurance Plan that provides life coverage and financial protection. The nominee receives the Sum Assured as the Death Benefit, thus protecting the loved ones in case of the sad demise of the policyholder. The policy also offers special discounted rates are available for non-tobacco users and women. Key Features The policy is a pure term insurance plan offering high life coverage. The policy offers further reduced rates for females and non-tobacco users. The policyholder may opt for an additional rider that give more protection as under Option B. The process for purchase of the policy is hassle-free and is done online. The nominee can initiate a claim through the website or through email, a toll-free number or a letter to any of the company branches.