Policy Details Sum Insured: Rs.2,00,000; 3,00,000; 5,00,000 and 10,00,000. Coverage type: Individual Waiting Period – The Waiting Periods mentioned in the policy wording will get reduced by 1 year on every continuous renewal of your Energy insurance Policy. Grace period: Grace Period of 30 days for renewing the policy is provided under this policy. Policy termination: You may terminate the policy at any time by giving us a written notice. The cancellation shall be from the date of receipt of such written notice. The premium shall be refunded as per table below IF AND ONLY no claim has been made under the Policy Free look period: A period of 15 days after date of receipt of policy to review terms and conditions during which insured can cancel it with due refunds. Additional features or riders Sum Insured Enhancement -Sum Insured can be enhanced only at the time of renewal subject to no claim have been lodged under the policy. In cases where the sum insured increase is more than one grid up, the case shall be subject to medicals, the cost of such medicals would be borne by you. Tax Benefits -you can presently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws) Wellness Discount- Up to 25 % discount as indicated in Wellness Programme on renewal premium for better management of health condition. Exclusions War or any act of war, nuclear weapons/materials, chemical and biological weapons, radiation of any kind. Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of law with criminal intent, or intentional self-injury or attempted suicide while sane or insane. Abuse or the consequences of the abuse of intoxicants or hallucinogenic substances such as intoxicating drugs and alcohol. Treatment of Obesity and any weight control program. Psychiatric, mental disorders; congenital internal or external diseases, stem cell implantation or surgery; sleep-apnoea. Conditions related to or arising out of HIV/AIDS. Pregnancy, miscarriage (except as a result of an Accident or Illness), maternity or birth (including caesarean section) except in the case of ectopic pregnancy. Dental treatment and surgery of any kind, unless requiring Hospitalisation.