Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds are investment schemes managed by Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company, designed to help investors grow their wealth through a range of diversified portfolios.
You can compare various Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds on InsureMile’s website using the comparison tool to evaluate fund performance, risk levels, returns, and other important factors.
Motilal Oswal offers a variety of mutual funds including equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds, and index funds, catering to different investment goals and risk appetites.
To buy Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds online, visit InsureMile, create an account, compare funds, and complete the purchase process conveniently through the online platform.
You can set up a SIP for Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds through InsureMile by selecting the fund, choosing the investment amount and frequency, and initiating the SIP online.
Required documents include a PAN card, Aadhaar card, bank details, and KYC compliance documents. Additional documents may be required depending on the specific fund.