The Domestic Fire Insurance Plan covers the Standard Fire and Special Perils Insurance which is discussed as below. Additionally, the plan can be extended to cover additional perils as well with the payment of additional premium. Fire and Special Peril : Fire, the most common and a dangerous danger/ threat which can occur suddenly for many reasons. This plan covers the loss and damage which arises due to fire. The reasons may be stated as follows as follows: Fire and Lightening: Under this plan, loss against fire is covered as well as lightening is also covered under the plan. Implosion/Explosion: Coverage against loss or damage caused by fire as a result of implosion / explosion. Damage caused due to aircraft: Devastation, damage or loss directly to be caused by aircraft, including any other articles dropped there from except those caused by pressure waves. Coverage is given or allowed under the plan for the damage, destruction or losses caused by natural calamities. Some of the major are ones are storm, cyclone, typhoon, tempest, hurricane, tornado, flood and inundation (optional), excluding those resulting from earthquake, volcanic eruption or other convulsions of nature are also covered under this plan. Impact Damage: Loss or the physical damage/ destruction must be caused to the insured property due to impact by any road, rail , vehicle or animal by direct contact which do not belong or owned by Insured or the occupier of the property OR Insureds employees while acting in the course of their employment. Subsidence and Landslide which includes Rockslide as well: Damage, destruction or loss caused by Subsidence of part of the site on which the property stands or landslide and rockslide except: Normal cracking and settlement or bedding down of new structures. Gradual movement and slow settlement of made up ground. River or Coastal erosion. Workmens defective plan and design. Destruction, building, maintenance or structural alterations of any property. Mutiny, strikes and Malacious Damage: Physical damage/ loss / destruction caused by external and violent means which are caused directly to the property except: Total or partial termination of work or retardation or interruption of any process or omissions. Permanent or temporary dispossession. Permanent or temporary dispossession of any building from illegal occupation of any person. Burglary, theft, housebreaking, larceny or any such act by any person. Missile Testing Operations. Bursting and or spilling over of Water Tanks, equipments and Pipes. The plan covers bush Fire excluding loss, damage or destruction caused by forest Fire. The plan covers seepage from Automatic Sprinkler Installations. Additionally the plan also covers the followings: Up to 1% and 3% of the admissible claim amount will be paid for expenses towards debris removal and architecture fees respectively. Impact Damage due to own vehicles, fork lifts, cranes. Earthquake. Spontaneous Combustion Omission to insure additions, alterations and extensions. Loss of rent. Leakage and contamination cover. Terrorism damage. Exclusions of the plan: No indemnity is allowed in the following situations: Fire : Under this plan, loss against fire is not covered excluding damage or destruction caused to the property by Standard heating, own fermentation or spontaneous ignition. Undergo any heating or drying method. Implosion/Explosion: Explosion of boilers or steam generating vessels and machinery subject to centrifugal force by its own explosion or implosion. Impact damage by vehicles which belongs to the policy holder or his/her employees or any other occupier in the building. The plan excludes earthquake. Total or partial cessation of work / retarding/ interruption of any process or operations which arises out of the insured perils. Loss/ damage/destruction caused to electrical machine/ apparatus for fire. Stocks which undergoes drying or heating process. The plan also excludes the loss of earnings or any other important or indirect loss and damage of any sort. Domestic Burglary Insurance Plan The Domestic Burglary Plan covers the loss or damage caused due to burglary and housebreaking.